Repost introduction from another blog - Posterous
As I mentioned earlier I will be consolidating my writing. I have signed up for Posterous which consolidates blogs, tweets, facebook posts and other sites into one place for me. This was picked up from there and reposted as an introduction for that site.
I'm one of those people who loves to write but has little to no training and yet I've managed to get published in a number of trade magazines. Mostly publishing, graphic arts, and creative trade journals but hey that's my area of work and expertise. I have the bad habit of saying something with 1000 words when 10 will do (Hey I said I'm not a trained writer). I work for, in and with commercial catalog companies, retailers, and distributors as well as commercial photo studios, printers, and graphic arts vendors like Adobe, Apple, Kodak, Canon, Xerox, AGFA, and other software and hardware companies. I'm supposed to be an expert on digital workflow, advertising social psychology, graphic arts technology, printing, prepress and photography. I'd add typesetting but no one knows what that really means anymore and it's not desktop publishing.
I love to learn and perhaps this more than anything else drives anything I might write about. I am eternally curious about everything and everyone and this drives me to study a lot. Perhaps that's why I have many interests and more than a singular area of professional experiences. I like to think it's what makes me more valuable as a consultant or employee, I have a broad knowledge of many sides of a puzzle and like to examine all sides and dimensions. however I am not slow to act, and can be decisive mostly because I think I have a broad knowledge base to draw on due to this thirst of more knowledge and curiosity that drives all I do.
Travel is no different, I think my love for travel is an extension of a love for learning and a love of sharing what I've learned with others while I am learning from them.
I love combining creative interests with technical so I straddle the technical side of things as much as the creative and I love them equally as well as the people drawn to each area.
I am visual, tactile, and experiential, I love life and observing it and others all around me.
Lastly, but at once most importantly, I'm a Dad and Husband, my wife and kids are my best friends and the most important people in my life. They are often the subject of my photography, writing, or design or if not that the inspiration for me to continue.