I've been twittering instead of blogging
It's hard to tell who is following you and where sometimes. My twitter followers grow a few everyday. Not that I have anything profound to say so it surprises me to see it grow. I am proud to say it is growing organically. Meaning I have not paid for followers or joined any of the scams where everyone in the pool follows everyone else just so you can look self-important. Still it surprises me sometimes that anyone would think I have something to say.
I love networking and sites liked linkedin.com have served me well in my career and I think I've been able to serve a few others as well. I like it's professional tone and the support many of the groups and individuals give each other. I also run a group there about NILMDTS a photography group that donates services to families who have recently or are about to loose a child. It' a worthwhile organization I am proud to be associated with.
All these and other places like facebook all are part of social networking add to these the several photo sharing and review sites I contribute to and I realize I am actually writing all the time. And in a sense blogging all the time.
In the next few weeks I will be trying to figure out how to take that content and compile it all here so that instead of writing occasional really long posts, I will instead write a few shorter ones and include much of the writing and content I put up all over the internet. Hopefully some of you will gain something from this.
My wish that it be both educational, sometimes inspirational, and at least amusing. At the same time I hope to become a better writer, photographer, networker, student, mentor and friend.
I look forward to seeing what you have to say and hope a few of you will let me know how I'm doing. Thanks for reading.