Mac Browsers - Some more photo friendly than others

Most Mac users just use Safari to browse the web because it comes with the Mac. However, many Mac users also use Firefox, Camino, Flock, and the list goes on. I recently started playing with Flock, a social and photo friendly browser.

I won't write a lot about it just download Flock it's free.

A few thing I will point out that relate to the blog:

Flock links into many social and photo sharing sites like flickr or photobucket. When you set up the program Flock will ask if you use these services and adds a cool task bar to the top of the browser that accesses your photo sharing account. From here, there are extra tools to add friends, share photos, and explore other people’s stuff.

It's a nice diversion from all the clutter on my other Browsers, which focus on work related activities but get in the way when I just want to look at pictures.

So try Flock, again it's free, fast, and fun.


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